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Sunday, September 10, 2006

A solid start

Christopher has been introduced to the joys of solid food. As he is starting to get quite big, we have decided to start introducing solids so when he starts to need them he will be used to them.

The first meal was a tasty meal of rice cereal and breast milk. Yum! Well, Christopher didn't quite share our enthusiasm. While getting the food into his mouth was easy, getting him to keep it in his mouth was slightly more difficult. It was not so much a case of him spitting it out as just not quite understanding what we were doing.

In retrospect it would have been quicker to simply take the cereal and pour it onto his bib and leave Christopher out of the whole equation. It could have saved a lot of time! We will persevere and get him onto solids. Today I'm pretty sure I got him to swallow one spoonful. One small gulp for Christopher one large gulp for the Paverd household!

Of course the down side of solids is that, from what we hear, once the solids go in the top, they tend to come out more regularly down below; and with a lot more potency! Thank goodness for Monica.

For those who don't know, we now have a full-time nanny, Monica. She is really attentive to Christopher and insists on giving the house a full clean every day. Our house has never been this clean! We are also trying to get some semblance of order in our garden, so we have Eugene coming in 2 or 3 days a week to work in the garden. I'm starting to feel quite colonial!

Christopher is also starting to out grow his bath, and with a little help (ok, quite a bit) is sitting up in his bath. Very soon we are going to have to start using the normal bath. Jenny is quite excited by this as the bath will then be filled with a host of bath toys. Let's just hope we'll be able to find Christopher between all the toys!

We are also fairly sure he is starting to teethe, he has been very niggly. Which is most unlike him, so we are in for some interesting times ahead if what all our friends say is true. Hopefully his teething phase is like all the others so far, fairly painless!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi there! Oh Christopher is so cute!!!!! I love the pic of him in the bath! I hope you are both doing well. Andrew passes his love.

September 15, 2006 3:51 pm  

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