Christopher takes to the bottle...
So the stress of babyhood has got too much for Christopher and he is starting to hit the bottle. Not a pretty site, he knocks back those bottles like his life depends on it and then it is a quick belch and he passes out. We think we may need to take him to AA. I blame it all on Josie. When a woman sticks a bottle in your mouth and says drink, how many men are going to say "No"? Yet another man driven to drink by a woman.
The downside of the bottle feeding is that now I can start to do some of the feeds, although Jenny has been very kind and not made me do any of the night feeds. It does mean we now have a degree of freedom and can go out and if he starts getting hungry we can feed him anywhere.
On more mundane issues, we have decided to replace the lounge carpet and get under-carpet heating fitted. I'm not sure of the logic of it though, in the middle of an electricity crisis in Cape Town we are getting electric under-carpet heating fitted. Well, I never claimed to be normal/sane/rational/intelligent!
Christopher is also starting to sleep better at night. We are getting close to dropping a feed. He tends to sleep from about 6:30pm until after 12:00. Last night he slept until after 1:00am. We are ever hopeful of getting him to sleep from 6 to 6, but I guess that could be a while off.
He is also now getting big enough to start wearing a lot of those 'agh-cute' outfits which so many of our friends have bought for us. So I will try to post as many pictures of them as possible.
Christopher's College fund is now sitting at $18.90.
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