Assault at the grand-parents
Christopher was sitting with the very icon of a 'good-guy' sailor, Pop-eye when suddenly Pop-eye went all psychotic and suddenly punched him. Christopher tried valiantly to defend himself but allas the over-sized head, lack of gross motor skills and poor balance meant that he was no match for a spinach-gulping sailor with attitude. The incident was captured on film (well virtually) as can be seen by the picture on the left.
After all was said and done I think Christopher still came out with the moral victory and was none the worse for the incident. After all he is made of sterner stuff than Popeye, who is really just a big softy and stuffed most (if not all) of the time.
Christopher is also starting to roll-over. He managed it for the first time on Sunday morning while I was sitting with him. The expression after managing to get from his back to his stomach wasn't so much as a 'I done it!' expression as a 'What the hell just happened' expression. Very soon he realised the predicament he was in, having got onto his stomach he had no idea how to get back onto his back. The head got too heavy and very soon he head-butted the floor. A head-butt Zidane would have been proud of. Dad to the rescue and very soon he was back on his back kick his legs.
It was Jenny's morning to lie in. We take turns on the weekend, one day I look after Christopher in the early morning and the other day Jenny looks after him. That way we each get a morning for ourselves on the the weekend. Jenny unfortunately was enjoying her lie in on the morning when Christopher rolled over so she didn't see it. Not sure if she entirely believes me, and Christopher refuses to back me up.