Sprog 2.0
It has been many months since the last post. I thought that we would kick off the new post with a piece of big news, Jenny is pregnant, Sprog 2.0 is currently under development, expected release date is 7 February.
We decided to tell only a very few people that Jenny was pregnant during the first trimester. Everything went well for the first trimester and we went for the 13 week scan where they test the baby's development. One of the tests is for Downs Syndrome. The physical examination gave the baby about a 1 in 2,500 odds of being Downs. However, the next day after they had done some blood tests the odd change to 1 in 35. We were quite shocked, it was a huge increase. We decided that we wouldn't abort and so we waited until 19 weeks (2 weeks ago) and had an amnio.
In an amnio they take some fluid from the birth sack. This fluid was then sent to the lab for culturing and they did a full DNA analysis. The DNA analysis can tell with 100% certainty if the baby has Downs Syndrome. This process takes about 2 weeks. Tuesday night we received the results and the baby does not have Downs Syndrome. We were elated to put it mildly.
We intentionally decided not to tell family and friends about the possibility. If the baby was going to suffer from Downs Syndrome, then we wanted to come to terms with it before discussing it with everyone.
So the last couple of weeks we have had this hanging over us and have not been able to get excited about the pregnancy. It has cast a shadow over our lives and would explain to many people why we have not been as excited as we should have been about the pregnancy.
That is now all in the past and we will now be able to start making plans. I'm also going to start post more regularly, although given the fact that there are no antenatal classes, the nursery has been set up and we have most things we need, there may be a lack of material to work with. So forgive me if there is limited entertainment.
We do have two big sources material though: Chris, our WoMD (weapon of mass distraction/destruction) and the renovations.
Chris is now talking, far too well at times, he's getting almost as cheeky as his mother. He has started play school and is loving it. He has adopted one habit we are trying to break (before it breaks us) and that is his habit of waking up at between 4:30am and 5:00am. My sparkling personality only wakes up at about 7:00am, so between 4:30am and 7:00am, I'm like a bear with a sore paw.
The renovations I'll go into in the next post, in brief they are going to allow us to have a bigger living space, keep my office separate from the house and also allow me to continue to work from home for the next couple of years at least. The plans are awaiting council approval and I'm getting quotes from builders. I'm dreading the next couple of months, I've never heard of anyone saying they enjoyed having builders on the premises. Oh well, I'm sure we'll laugh about it one day...
Congratulations! I'm so glad it all looks good. What a worrying thing to have had on your mind.
Your sprog 2.0 is due 3 days after mine :).
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