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Friday, January 05, 2007

Back from the silly season

So it has been over a month since I posted, I will try to make up for it by posting a couple of articles in the next week. The silly season caught up with us far too quickly and with our hectic social schedule (it is really a problem being SO popular), work pressures and Christmas I've been very lazy with regards to updating the blog.

Christopher has been introduced to the swimming pool and loves the water, we took the cautious approach of getting him swimming nappies, and just as well, during one swim he decided to let rip. Let us just say that we avoided having any floaters in the pool that day!

He is also starting to try his hand at new hair styles, well technically I'm trying my hand at giving him new hairstyles. He tried to go for the evil look, but instead ended up with a silly-impish look. Not quite the scary evil monster effect he had in mind.

In honour of the Christmas spirit we next tried a punk-Santa look, it looks like Santa has overindulged in the the Christmas cheer a bit. Say no more...
Christopher is starting to get even more mobile, he is pulling himself on furniture and then walking around holding on. It is only a matter of time before he is walking.

So that takes us up to about the middle of December, in the next posts I'll describe our adventures at Toby and Meris' wedding and the antics of Christmas and New Year. And I promise it won't be another month before the next post appears here, honest!


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