A name has been chosen
Yesterday we went for a scan, Jenny and Sprog are both well. Sprog is now an estimated 3.7Kg, and growing. Caro, our gynea, is not sure where Jenny is hiding it as she says she is not looking that big. When looking at the scan, Caro commented on how the baby is so well folded up inside Jenny. This lead to us agreeing on a name.
Ok, maybe agree is a strong word. I suggested it and Jenny just looked at me but did not say no; so Sprog will be baptised Origami Paverd when he/she enters the world. I think it is a nice gender neutral name, a little exotic and bit mysterious. Just perfect! I'm sure deep down Jenny really loves the name.
We had a whole bunch of Paverds over for a braai on Sunday, and my dad brought us the presents from Judy. A cute Eeyore hot water bottle and the most stunning cot set. Thanks sis!
This weekend we will hopefully have the blind and then will finish the nursery, it was going to happen last weekend, however, between having Rory and Bryoni staying with us and having the family braai, we ran out of time.
I also took some pictures of Jenny last night showing off her tummy, I'll have to run them past the censorship board and see if I can post one or two here. The penalties for ignoring the censorship board involves scrotums and heads, I'd rather avoid the discomfort!
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