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Friday, March 24, 2006

Countdown (sort of)

Floriane suggested that we include a count down. Right, good idea! We'll start now with 5 weeks to go. Well that is if you believe the gynea, if we go according to the MD it is now 4 weeks! But wait, there is more, if you go according to the neo-natal scan at Kingsbury it is 4 and half weeks.

This all assumes that sprog decided to leave its current accomodation on schedule, this means it could be 2 weeks either way. All told waiting for a birth is very much like waiting for a MetroRail train, you know it will arrive, but you have no idea when; and guaranteed should you nip off to the toilet for 2 minutes that is exactly when it will arrive, and you'll be left doing the penguin-waddle down the platform with your trousers around your knees chasing a disappearing train.

So in conclusions, sprog could be joining us in anywhere from 2 - 7 weeks. 2 weeks.... Suddenly I'm feeling just a little nervous. Time for me to nip off to the pub for quick stiff drink.


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