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Thursday, March 23, 2006

Baby Showers

Jenny had her baby shower on Saturday. She was invited over to Alex's to help prepare for Alex's '30th Birthday Party'. As suspicious as ever she was suspecting that it was her baby shower. However, she started doubting when Alex said she could pitch up any time between 2 and 3 and then when she did get there the only people there were Bianca and Josie who were also helping.

Sneaky Alex had organised with her mom that everyone park at Rustenberg Girls and then walk over to the house at 5pm. Jenny was sent to answer the door when it rang and was surprised by everyone. Well done to Alex for managing to surprise Jenny.

So Jenny got given a whole slew of presents for the baby, of which I've see about half, as they are still in the bag waiting to unpack. We were going to finish the nursery this weekend, however, things didn't quite work out. Kate organised a blind for the room and somewhere between me measuring it and the cutter cutting the material, someone got slapped with the dyslexia stick. As a result the blind was about 20cm too short, I looked at this and took the universe's advice and sat down and had a beer.

We did manage to get the mosquito net hung as well as some pictures, most importantly a Jenny Jones original painting. Jenny Jones, for you nuckle-dragging-neanderthals, is a famous artist in the UK and also Jenny's aunt. So the painting is hung, rigged to the burglar alarm with pressure sensors and drop cages.


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