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Saturday, April 29, 2006

24 Hours

So we made it through the first night, I spent the night with Jenny in the hospital. The night was fairly quiet, well with the exception of Chris' crying when he was woken to be fed, the bed I was sleeping of creaking and my snoring. Although the latter I did not hear so I still deny it. However, something must have inspired Jenny to throw the camera case at me in the middle of the night, and I don't think it was playful affection.

Previously I mentioned that one of the reasons that parents decorate the nursery is to hide the fact that their precious little darling should rather be under a bridge scaring goats. Well, I'm glad we have spent a lot of time decorating our nursery, we'll see if we get away with it. As can be seen from the picture, there are some definitely trollish tinges to little Chris. I leave it up to everyone else to speculate from which side of the family that comes.

I've spoke about Your-Child and Our-Child, well have a look at these pictures and guess which one is which...

Today the drips and tubes got removed from Jenny so is no longer confined to bed and is able to have a shower and move around. She is looking really good (ok, slight bias here) and it is amazing to think that 24 hours ago she was in surgery.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Sprog is evicted!

Well a quiet Friday morning ended up being anything but quiet. We were to have scan and see the progress of Sprog, after estimating the weight at 4.3kg, Caro suggested that a cesarean would be the safest. Having suspected this we had put our bags in the car and were ready. Within minutes we were told that the cesarean could take place today and were whisked into the ward and prep was started.

We were booked into the theater at 11:30am. Ok, so technically Jenny was booked in and I was just along as part-time spectator and part-time spare part. I did fulfill my role of looking silly in hospital robes admirably. The anaethitist was, and I'm not joking, Dr Bean. Initially this did not inspire confidence, but he was fantastic. He administered the epidural before Jenny realised it was all done.

All during the op, he was continually reassuring Jenny and myself. It was fascinating watching the whole procedure and at precisely 12:07pm Christopher was introduced to the real world. And from the begining he was not impressed, seems common to all evictees. So there was much screaming.

He was taken to be weighed (still screaming) and Christopher William Robert Paverd weighed in at an admirable 4.36kg, 57cm tall.

He was then given to Jenny and after she was all stitched up he and Jenny were taken to the recovery room. At this point he had his first feed (brief cry interlude, although he did his best to cry and drink).

Over the afternoon he has quietened down, but has clearly demonstrated an incredible pair of lungs. Possible opera singer in the making, hopefully he hasn't inherited our musical abilities.

It is now 10pm, he has had another feed and is quiet, ah what bliss! So we're now going to follow everyone's advice and get some sleep ourselves.

What an emotional rollercoaster this day has been, quiet overwhelming, it'll take many days for it all to sink in.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Just need Sprog now...

So the bags are packed and the lair is ready, we are just missing Sprog. Jenny is swelling and we are eagerly (fearfully!) awaiting the big day.

After some cursing and swearing the shelves and blinds have been put up and the pictures stuck to the walls. The only other thing which is missing is the feeding chair and we'll be 100% ready.

Well, that is until we get Sprog home and discover the 101 other things which we forgot and did not realise we needed and we will discover we probably have a 101 things which we'll never use. Anyhow, somehow we'll muddle through.

I also went shopping for all the sustenance we may need during a prolonged labour, for Jenny chocolate and juice and for me biltong and Red Bull, apparently you are not allowed to take beer or wine into the labour ward. Oh, and there are a couple of healthy things in there as well, but they are not that important. We now have enough food and drink for a 48 or even 72 hour labour!

Sprog should be arriving within the next 3 weeks, I'll try post pictures and an article as soon after the birth as possible. Jenny has this whole thing about me being there to support her and I am not allowed to write blog articles during labour, so it'll have to be after the birth.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

A name has been chosen

Yesterday we went for a scan, Jenny and Sprog are both well. Sprog is now an estimated 3.7Kg, and growing. Caro, our gynea, is not sure where Jenny is hiding it as she says she is not looking that big. When looking at the scan, Caro commented on how the baby is so well folded up inside Jenny. This lead to us agreeing on a name.

Ok, maybe agree is a strong word. I suggested it and Jenny just looked at me but did not say no; so Sprog will be baptised Origami Paverd when he/she enters the world. I think it is a nice gender neutral name, a little exotic and bit mysterious. Just perfect! I'm sure deep down Jenny really loves the name.

We had a whole bunch of Paverds over for a braai on Sunday, and my dad brought us the presents from Judy. A cute Eeyore hot water bottle and the most stunning cot set. Thanks sis!

This weekend we will hopefully have the blind and then will finish the nursery, it was going to happen last weekend, however, between having Rory and Bryoni staying with us and having the family braai, we ran out of time.

I also took some pictures of Jenny last night showing off her tummy, I'll have to run them past the censorship board and see if I can post one or two here. The penalties for ignoring the censorship board involves scrotums and heads, I'd rather avoid the discomfort!