24 Hours
So we made it through the first night, I spent the night with Jenny in the hospital. The night was fairly quiet, well with the exception of Chris' crying when he was woken to be fed, the bed I was sleeping of creaking and my snoring. Although the latter I did not hear so I still deny it. However, something must have inspired Jenny to throw the camera case at me in the middle of the night, and I don't think it was playful affection.
Previously I mentioned that one of the reasons that parents decorate the nursery is to hide the fact that their precious little darling should rather be under a bridge scaring goats. Well, I'm glad we have spent a lot of time decorating our nursery, we'll see if we get away with it. As can be seen from the picture, there are some definitely trollish tinges to little Chris. I leave it up to everyone else to speculate from which side of the family that comes.
I've spoke about Your-Child and Our-Child, well have a look at these pictures and guess which one is which...

Today the drips and tubes got removed from Jenny so is no longer confined to bed and is able to have a shower and move around. She is looking really good (ok, slight bias here) and it is amazing to think that 24 hours ago she was in surgery.