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Friday, October 27, 2006

Just some pictures...

It's been a hectic week, and I have got a couple of projects to start (and complete) so I don't have time to wax lyrical or the energy to build up a really go head of biting cynism, so instead here are a couple of pictures. After all a picture is worth a thousand words so this article is over 4000 words long.

Christopher is now able to sit up right by himself for long periods of time and has taken to sitting in his chair. He likes the ability to see more of the world around him and thinks it great fun to throw his toys off his table and then get us to pick them up. Not sure who is training who!

He is obsessed with playing with anything we use so, natuarally a keyboard holds great fascination. After trying to bash away at the notebook keyboard for the umpteenth time, I decided to give him one of the old keyboards I had. I'm a little disappointed that his typing is not quite up to 60 words a minute yet, but he is getting there.

We had braai on Sunday and Alex and Brian brought Michael over and Shirley brought Kiera. We just had to have a photo of all three, it'll be interesting to see how they change over the next couple of months.

So there we are just some pics and once I get a chance I'll think of something witty to write about, well at least witty in my opinion. Speaking of opinions, no one is leaving comments! I'm starting to get depressed and need my creative ego stroked, please leave some comments! Preferably nice one, but beggars can't be choosers!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Picking up his parents habits

This weekend Josie had her birthday, even though here birthday is only on the 25th, and it was a great day. I, however, got a stern talking to by a couple of people, no names mentioned, for not updating the blog more often. So duly chastised here is an update, and I'll be doing another update during the week with more pictures.

So despite our best efforts to instill good habits in Christopher, it looks like he is picking up our habits in any case.

About a week ago Jenny and I were enjoying our favourite vices and Christopher decided that he liked this idea. He has now discovered beer and can recognise it in canned or bottled form, no fooling him. (Of course his god father did his fair share of educating him in the finer points of beer drinking this weekend as well. Christopher did manage to put more into the bottle than he took out though, not always an attractive site.)

No sooner had I put the beer out of site than he started looking around for the next exciting thing, what did he spot? Jenny's piece of chocolate cake! Jenny and I have slightly difference vices!

He has now learnt to recognise chocolate cake and discovered the joys of squishing the icing between his fingers. We managed to keep it out of his mouth, the last thing we wanted was him on a sugar high. He would have been bouncing off the walls and we'd have been hitting our heads against them!

All of this resulted in us discovering a new impression that he does very well:
The Chocolate Pawed Zombie

Monday, October 02, 2006

Scarlet Pimpernel

In his ever increasing desire to do the perfect impersonation, Christopher tried to impersonate the Scarlet Pimpernel. However, he thought he had to be scarlet, so went out and caught scarlet fever, silly bugger!

A minor scare for mom and dad as in the course of hours a red rash on his stomach spread all over his body. Of course it didn't help Jenny's nerves when she took him to the clinic and as soon as the first sister saw the rash she called the other sister and they immediately recommended she go to a doctor. At this point anxiety levels jumped from this-is-a-bit-worrying level to what-the-hell-is-going-on level.

We got a doctors appointment for the afternoon, when the doctor looked at Chris and suggested that he be taken to a pediatrician, the anxiety levels sprang straight run-around-in-mindless-panic levels.

We saw the pediatrician at 4pm and he had a look at diagnosed it as scarlet fever. Scarlet fever is a strep throat where the toxins cause the skin to go red and although it used to be serious since the discovery of anti-biotics it is no longer as serious. So a course of anti-biotics and some mild pain killing syrup to help him (and us!) sleep was prescribed.

He has reacted well to the medicine and is now rash free. Through all this he was surprisingly niggle-free, we are very lucky that his is so easy-going.