Just some pictures...
It's been a hectic week, and I have got a couple of projects to start (and complete) so I don't have time to wax lyrical or the energy to build up a really go head of biting cynism, so instead here are a couple of pictures. After all a picture is worth a thousand words so this article is over 4000 words long.
Christopher is now able to sit up right by himself for long periods of time and has taken to sitting in his chair. He likes the ability to see more of the world around him and thinks it great fun to throw his toys off his table and then get us to pick them up. Not sure who is training who!
He is obsessed with playing with anything we use so, natuarally a keyboard holds great fascination. After trying to bash away at the notebook keyboard for the umpteenth time, I decided to give him one of the old keyboards I had. I'm a little disappointed that his typing is not quite up to 60 words a minute yet, but he is getting there.
We had braai on Sunday and Alex and Brian brought Michael over and Shirley brought Kiera. We just had to have a photo of all three, it'll be interesting to see how they change over the next couple of months.
So there we are just some pics and once I get a chance I'll think of something witty to write about, well at least witty in my opinion. Speaking of opinions, no one is leaving comments! I'm starting to get depressed and need my creative ego stroked, please leave some comments! Preferably nice one, but beggars can't be choosers!