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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

No longer a teenager...

Well Chris is ending his teenage days, he is now 19 days and by tomorrow we expect to see a more mature approach to eating, sleeping and bathing. Jenny is adamant that although he is no longer a teenager he is still not ready to find a place of his own, I'm not so sure, but I'll let Jenny make the call on this one.

Chris is now starting to fall asleep on his own, although this is at his convenience only. If it means that Jenny will not get any sleep, or he is going to be able to interrupt supper, then there is no question about it, he will not sleep on his own.

We went to the clinic last Friday and he is now 4.68Kg, and 56cm long. So he has picked up all the weight lost since birth (and then some) and apparently shrunk by 1cm. If he keeps this up, then by the time is 2 years old he will weigh 21kg and be 3cm tall. The human coaster. Ok, so the nurse said it is not uncommon for the hospital to over estimate the length as they use a tape measure and not a flat measuring board, so maybe things are not so dire.

Jenny is feeling the effects of being sleep deprived, but taking all things into account things are going far better than expected. He is sleeping up to 6 hours at a stretch, never at night though, that would be far too convenient; and although he makes a lot of noise, he does not cry a lot.

I'm also feeling some of the effects of sleep deprivation, but seeing as Jenny does the feeding at night in the nursery, I am able to get in a relatively good night's sleep. Once he starts bottle feeding then I'll get roped in I'm sure and feel the full effects.

I believe we are still in the honeymoon phase, and the next couple of weeks will be when he starts to get more active and demanding. Well we'll see how that goes. I'm still going to push for him to get a place of his own...

Sunday, May 07, 2006

1 week, 2 days, 7 hours, 18 minutes

Despite my direst concerns, I haven't managed to drop, break, or otherwise permanently scar Christopher. Psychological scarring does not count.

It has been an interesting experience so far, not as traumatic as expected, however, that is all due to Christopher and has nothing to do with us. He is a very contented baby. He only cries when there is something wrong, change his nappy and he quietens down, I've even changed his nappy (yes, I actually am changing nappies) and he didn't cry. That was the exception though, normally he launches into a full throated aria every time.

We celebrated Jenny's birthday on Tuesday, and had her folks around for dinner, they provided the dinner. A very pleasant evening with Christopher on his best behaviour.

Sleep deprivation is not an issue, I manage to sleep through the feeding so I am fine! Jenny is being fantastic and feeds him at night, he is managing to sleep up to 4 hours (on a good stretch) at a time. So Jenny is not feeling too ragged yet. I do my bit every now and then and let him fall asleep on my chest before putting him into the cot so Jenny can grab an extra 30-45 minutes of sleep.

All told things are going well, as Jenny puts we now have a 'new kind of normal' in our house. A normal I could get used to, I can't wait until he start developing and we can see the growth stages.

Next week should be a bit calmer and I'll try to get a couple more pictures uploaded as well.